
I’m facing problems applying my Promo Code on my order.

If you encounter an error message, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • You are not signed in.
    Some Promo Codes are registered to specific email addresses. When you attempt to apply such a Promo Code, a “Sign In/Register” prompt will appear. You are required to use that specific email address to sign in or register for an account in order to activate the Promo Code discount.
  • The Promo Code is not registered to you.
    If you received the Promo Code from Creative Newsletters, please ensure that you have signed in or registered using the same email address as you’ve used for the newsletter subscription.
  • The Promo Code is not applicable to the products in your cart.
    Promo Codes may be applied to selected products. To view the full list of eligible products associated with that Promo Code, click on “Promo Code Details” in the Promo Code section. Clearance, refurbished or bundled offers are usually excluded from Promo Codes.
  • The Promo Code has already been used, or has expired, and is no longer valid.
    Some Promo Codes may be applicable for a single-use, or a single unit, or has passed its validity date. Once these Promo Codes have been used or have expired, it is not applicable on future orders.
  • An invalid Promo Code has been entered.
    Please ensure that you have entered the Promo Code correctly. Promo Codes may be a mixture of alphabets and numbers, resulting in similar characters being misread. For example: Alphabet “O” vs. number “0”, alphabet “I” vs. number “1”.
  • Your Cart does not fulfill the minimum order amount required.
    Some Promo Codes are applicable on orders above a certain order amount. If you remove items in your Cart after applying the Promo Code, your Promo Code discount may be removed automatically if it falls below the minimum spend required.

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